

KYMAT creates music with plants and makes this music visible in water-sound images during his performances. The sound waves are translated into water waves that form geometric shapes. It’s called cymatics, it’s a science. The sound structures can be found everywhere in nature.

KYMAT is a total work of art consisting of water-sound-images, installations and live shows.

The artist Sven Meyer gives botany a voice by connecting foliage with electrodes. These pick up the electromagnetic vibrations of the plants and transform them into audible midi signals.

Sound waves are translated into water waves and the water acts as a threedimensional sculpture that transforms sound into images. These sound structures can be found everywhere in nature.

KYMAT combines aspects of science and research with artistic imagery and sound worlds as well as therapeutic and meditative elements. The psychoactive sound relaxes the senses, invites to meditate, and offers to let oneself go in the here and now – you enter the world of “hypnotation”

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